Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Robert Mwangi(

Music is an art and has value in it be it cultural, moral, emotional or
spiritual. But what is gospel music. There’s quite a clear distinction between
gospel music and secular music. Secular music, drawn from the word secularism,
means music for and about the world, earthly kingdom. Gospel music on the other
hand, is singing about the gospel, the word of God. In other words, its
ministry, and the artists are actually ministers. What they do is simply use
talent and calling hand in hand, manipulates language and rhythm to pass on the
word of God.
There is no big difference between a pastor at the pulpit and a gospel artist on
the mic. They use different means, style and setting, motivated by the same
drive towards achieving a common objective. That’s why Juliani, calls it
“pulpit kwa street”, which is simply taking the pulpit to the streets. When a
gospel artist goes on stage, his or her performance goes beyond entertainment
and showbiz rather, they minister and impact on people’s lives which is the core
value of that calling.
I am worried about some of our gospel artists. They seem to have forgotten their
role as ministers. Most of them don’t have that calling but are talented, that
is why they sing for money, fame and mere entertainment making them no different
from secular musicians. Money and fame are not bad but should come as rewards
from God because He assures us of that when He says “seek yee first the kingdom
of God and all the other things shall be granted unto you”
I want to pose this challenge to my fellow gospel artists, lets stop
entertaining, seeking fame and money and preach the gospel. Besides, lets walk
the talk, live the word and worship in the truth and spirit like ministers of
the word and fishers of men.


1 comment:

  1. The bible says that in the last days people will be lovers of money. This a prophesy being fulfilled and as an artist you can compose a song correcting them if you can't confront them directly.God bless you as you embark on that mission.
