Tuesday, August 2, 2011



In the last few years/months we have been treated to a whole lot of reformist views. Civil service has been lobbying us to embrace reform agendas. Political elites too seized the moment to name, shame and tame branded anti-reformist and even families are reforming the old ritualistic order of wife and husband responsibilities.

Nowadays, listening, watching or reading newspaper headlines, invites a sign of relief and welcomes a hearty smile on our faces. So and so criminal get born again, prime minister pays tax, president assents a crucial bill, Martha Karua launches her presidential bid, so and so graduates, KACC offers 60-day amnesty to corrupt officials, new army chief appointed and many more headlines that are promising a better future.

Closer home – I mean in my neighborhood, villagers are getting more gallant in rolling the ball forward despite the challenges. Men of all ages too have pulled up their socks in all aspects thanks to Mututho laws. Women on their side the grimace on their long frowned face has already vanished and replaced by bright, booming-almost girlish- face that can take a stranger no time to know things are positive.

On a personal level, I have managed to avoid a reprise of my past life and opened a new chapter that’s far more promising. Out of sheer resilience and abit of luck, I can look to the future, celebrate joining this and that, being proud of kicking juvenile character and sit down smiling in peace of success achieved, challenges overcame and temptations avoided.

Most of us we can also look backward and thank God for saving our souls for transforming us from filthy dipsomaniacs to pulpit fellows, giving us a face to defend our proposals before the feminine race and knocking out inferiority complex out of our system.

But despite the all pleasant news, the many promising aspects, we are yet to dump a number of things that still lurks in our minds. Bad memories.

Some how, our inner comrades- conscience- has been accusing us of pedantry. Amid my surreptitious effort to transform my mind to a forgetting machine a carnal being inside my cranium, derives pleasure in mocking our ability to forget unpleasant experiences. Another fellow upstairs, always and effortlessly tampers with our thinking stream that we forget the important and remember the painful.

Come to think of it. Politicians like Barrack Obama will be forgotten for killing Osama Bin Laden but remembered for sky rocketing US National debt, Architectural master piece on Thika Road will soon be a thing of past but Anglo-Leasing scandal, post-election Mayhem and faulty constitutional nominations will forever dent President Kibaki’s legacy.

Likewise it’s highly likely that the world will-sooner than later-dismiss sassy song bird Amy winehouse’s triumphs with her back to black hit, but her drug doping and substance abuse will be a comrade in our memory. Many remember the oppression of colonial governments but few-almost none- remember the civilization it came with, namely; Education, new seeds, new democratic form of governance(capitalism…etc.), Industrialization and much needed freedom of expression far from the old monarch rules.

Individually we continually fight negative thoughts in our minds. We struggle to forget how we lost our virginity, how we started smoking, how-like many other boys and girls-masturbated in high school, how we had sex during our first day in campus, how we got addicted to pornography and many more evil thoughts that haunt us like curse.

In spite of confessing and getting baptized; of forging a new clean path of life different from past, there is still a freaky guilt that dares to frazzle our new morals lest we turn back our eyes to old life. Though we smile our ways into marriages, a constant and persistent fellow jeers us for ruining that school girl’s future, for embezzling the ambitious young man’s bank account and even for aborting the future Miss World.

The question that begs then is what goes a miss in connection to our thinking? What cuts the link between our change of character and mentality? How and why do we forget our past as choir members and remember the first day we fornicated? And what can be done to remedy the problem? All this queries will remain unanswered until someone invents a gadget that can erase painful memories and replace them with pleasant ones.

In the meantime I am proposing that the president appoint a brain enquiry commission that will investigate the root of this problem, make findings on this problem and recommend possible remedial procedures; if at all reconciliation will be a reality within Kenya’s ethnic diversity.

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